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How To Make A Social Networking Website Like Facebook For Almost FREE! Within 1 Hour [4 Easy Steps]

How To Make A Social Networking Website

You can make the type of website as shown in the screenshot below.
No skill is required because of today’s advanced and easy web-building applications.

social network website example
social network website example

Do you want to create a social networking website like Facebook? Or you want to build a social media site? But you don’t know where to start or have no coding knowledge? It is easier than you think..!

You don’t need to learn programming or anything extra – just follow the steps below. You can create your own social networking websites like Facebook for your college or organization or public or, in short, any type that you want!

Today we have advanced software & tools – everything made easy. You can customize settings within the social website as per your imagination to change the functions or anything. Just a few clicks are enough to do everything you want! You can even build a social website that makes money fast by using Google Adsense or any sponsored ads or games or subscriptions or any other proven online earning methods.

You don’t need to learn Web programming like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP etc. You can easily make money from your website. There are many people already making plenty of money from their websites, but it depends on how you work to make your website popular. Creating a website is easy – but marketing is difficult.

My real life story (In short) : When I was a college student, I became a big fan of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg & I wanted to create something like Facebook. I launched a social website in my college publicly at the age of 19 simply because Zuckerberg also launched at the age of 19! I followed what Mark did when he launched to ensure the success of my site. My website event was published in the newspapers! It became popular suddenly, but I failed to make it continue while studying in college. At that time I didn’t know how to marketing and business. My website gained 100k+ users after the big news & made some money, but I was a shy guy and failed to hire people to manage and marketing it. At the same time, I took another project (Right now I am working on that, Soon I will launch) In my final year exam I just shutdown the website. Now my social network website is not live.

This is my news story, as appeared in the Deccan Herald.

My social network website published in the newspaper Deccan Herald
My social network website published the newspaper DH

If you are interested in my life story, See – How I Created a Social Network Website & Made A Huge Profit In 26 Days.

Note: In the newspaper you see that they reported I made $80k investment. But in reality, it cost me only $80 dollar to make the entire social website! Purposefully I lied as $80k in my launching program to make hype around it.

But that social website is not live now. Because I failed to make it popular. I made a bad marketing campaign. (I will talk about it later) Creating a Website is easy, but marketing is difficult. I created social websites using many techniques, and finally, I found this method to be the best.

There are several methods that you can use to create a social website. But most of the methods are old, difficult & outdated. Below, I’ve used the latest & easiest method.

There are many web applications and software options like WordPress, BuddyPress, Peepso Plugin, Socialgo, Kickapps, SocialEngines and so many tools. But today, I am going to guide you to the best method. With this method, you get all of the social network website ready-made web functions available in a single dashboard..!

Yes. All Facebook features, from user’s profile to chat to groups to ads and 200+ more! You may get surprised!

You can also start to monetize to generate revenue. You can get Google Adsense, buy/sell marketplace within the social website, offer subscriptions, ads, etc. You can make money, but first, you need good traffic.

The 9 steps to becoming a Social Network Entrepreneur in 1 Year

  1. Find a niche community (For example Photographer’s social networks)
  2. Create a Social Website (That I guided below)
  3. Connect Your Audience (Example Join Photography groups or attend your niche event & share your website)
  4. Get the Traffic & let the Market
  5. Run Advertisement, Paid services & premium social features
  6. Get the revenue & Bet the future
  7. Get Investments, Set the budget & targets
  8. Develop new niche social features
  9. Scale your business from local to global

How To Create a Facebook-like Social Network Website? (Step-By-Step With No Step Skipped)

This is how I created my website & made a profit from it.

Step-1: Get A Bluehost Package

Go to

Once you have clicked the above Bluehost link, you will see this page.

Bluehost hosting click shared hosting
Bluehost hosting

Next, click the “hosting” menu, then click “shared hosting”. Choose the Basic plan. In the beginning, the $2.95 plan is enough.

Bluehost pricing
Bluehost pricing

(If you buy for 1 month, then the cost will increases. $2.95/month if you buy for a year)

Don’t buy the costly plan, because if your site gets millions of traffic then you can upgrade later or transfer to any other hosting plan. There are many different plans. The basic plan is enough for your social networking site for now.

If you assume that your website gets less than 50,000 visits per month, then order the basic plan.  If you assume you get high traffic suddenly, then I recommend the $5.45 choice plan even your website gets fewer visitors per month. If you get more or fewer visitors, you can upgrade or downgrade the plan at any time.

Once you’ve clicked Order, you will be prompted to enter your domain.

Here, I wanted to create a social network website for USA photographers. So I bought

Create a domain name for your social networking website like facebook
Create a domain name for your social networking website

The domain is your website name or URL address. Create your website name. Type any name you want to give your website. You are creating a social networking website, right? Personally, I think it is better to choose the .club domain extension instead of .com, .net, .org etc, as these domains are so boring and it can also be difficult to get the name you want. This is because these extensions are popular and there may be someone already registered with the domain you wanted with .com. You can give names like,,, etc.

Usually, the domain name costs about $10- $15 annually, but Bluehost offers a domain name for free.

Different domain name costs vary a little bit. For .com, the price might be $15, but specialist domains such as .academy are usually a little bit costlier than others.

If you want the .com domain only, then try with different words like, etc. But that domain name was not available.

domain name is not available
domain name is not available

Try different ones. You can change the domain if you want. The important thing is, you have to get started.

I added “”. That domain name was available. So, I continued with that one.

Just enter the details. Give your email properly because all information & receipt will send to that email after you paid.  Click submit.

bluehost filling the account details and payment
bluehost filling the account details and payment

Click “Submit“. It takes some time. Once your transaction is completed, you will see a message saying “your purchase was a success”.

Bluehost purchase successful
Bluehost purchase successful

Click “Create Account“. Now, a tab shows you with your chosen domain. Choose a strong password with 8 or more characters that include at least one letter of lower & uppercase, number, and special character.

Create an account on bluehost

Once you click “Create Account”, you’ll see the login page. Just enter your domain name and password that you set just now while you creating your account.

Next, the “let’s create a website” tab appears. Just enter your domain name & tagline. Click continue.

Now you see the “Tell us a bit about you” tab. Just check randomly. It doesn’t matter what you check.

Continue. Then you see templates. Just go to the end of the page and click Skip.

Now you see your hosting dashboard.

Bluehost Dashboard
Bluehost Dashboard

Step -2: Install Any Social Networking Website Software From Softaculaous

Go to the Advanced menu that you can see on the bottom left side. Then, scroll down and find Softaculous.

Bluehost software and application manager
go to Bluehost softaculous

Click Softaculous,  and then you will see lots of web applications.

Look at the left side of the menu. Click the Social Networking Tab & click “Open Source Social Network

Install open source social networking website application it is just like Facebook copy
Install open source social networking website application

Under the social networking menu, you will see Dolphin, Oxwall, pH/CMS, Jcow, Elgg, Open source social network and more. “Open source social network” is completely free forever. Dolphin is a premium software and gives you a 15-day free trial only. In this example, I selected “Open Source Social Network” software because it is free as well as being a really great web application with all of the necessary Facebook-like features.

You can select any software. You can see the demo. Don’t worry; even if you choose a different software, the method is exactly the same as below. You can change any software or take backup & restore the original. (That I will explain later)

Main features of OSSN (Open Source Social Network)

  • Realtime activity notifications, newsfeed, instant chat
  • Photo, Video sharing
  • Blogs, forums, wiki
  • Groups, events, friends
  • Comment, tag, rate any kind of content
  • Privacy and profile customization
  • Collaboration, file sharing, video-conference tools
  • Ads (You can make money from this feature)
  • Polls
  • Site announcement
  • Group Invitations
  • Two Factor Authentication, Password Validation, GDPR
  • First-time login custom functions – Redirecting first users with different pages to make them understand about the website.
  • Feedback
  • Audio, Video Call
  • Halloween like effects
  • Popular posts
  • Site Moderations
  • Custom user fields
  • Verified Profile
  • Link preview
  • User points
  • Hashtags & topics
  • Flagging or reporting inappropriate content
  • File Sharing
  • Auto login
  • Paid Access
  • Share post
  • Fan & Business page
  • Forum
  • Server Migration
  • Events
  • Access Code
  • Private network
  • Notification via email
  • Login With Mobile number
  • Site Offline
  • Social login like Login with Facebook, Twitter, Google.
  • Account list by gender search
  • Blacklist word or bad word censorship
  • User Categories
  • Upcoming birthdays
  • Ban users
Open source social network features
Open source social network features

Note: You can develop any new social features & add it in the future.

Once you’ve clicked on “Open Source Social Network” , then you will see this page.  Admin username & password are very important. Write down.

Follow the red arrows.

set up and install social network website like facebook application OSSN
set up & install open souce social network application on your bluehost

Sometimes you may get the “A trusted SSL Certificate was not found” notification. In that case, just contact Bluehost support or you need to turn on SSL from your Bluehost dashboard – my sites – hover on your site box icon – then you see manage site option, click it – go to security tab – there you will find the SSL turn on the switch. Turn on SSL & come back to install OSSN. If you don’t understand, then just ask the Bluehost support. They will help you for free.

Next, click the install button. It may take up to 1 minute. You will see the progress bar. Once the installation has finished, then you will see your admin login URL. The username & password are the same as those which you typed above.

Social network website login URL
Social network website login URL

It may take up to a few minutes. Once the installation has finished then you will see your admin login URL. The username & password are the same – which you typed above. If your domain name is, then usually the login will be

Next, enter your username & password.

Login to your social network website
Login to your social network website

Next, you will see the dashboard. You are the admin of your website. You can change anything on your website.

You can click on the homepage to see the real version of your own Facebook website!  You will see something similar to like this.

social network website demo
social network website demo

You can change it like this also.

social network website like facebook home page sign up
social network website like Facebook home page sign up

Step-3: Get Started With Your Own Social Website That Exactly Looks Like Facebook

After you’ve signed up, you will see your own website that looks very similar to Facebook! (This is an website screenshot, which was created by Dave Caldwell by following this guide)

social network website like facebook
social network website like facebook

Here are the essential social profile features. You can control all users’ profiles or activity. You can ban or delete anyone’s account because you are the owner of the social website and you have 100% control over the website!

social profile, images, timeline and other settings
social profile, images, timeline and other settings

You can control all your users from the admin dashboard.

your social network website admin dashboard
your social network website admin dashboard

Now you can share your own Facebook-like website with your friends..!

Step 4: Promote & Generate Revenue – You Can  Easily Make Money From Your Social Network Website

So, how can you make money from your version of Facebook?

Before thinking about it, you have to get good traffic.

Launch publicly in your college. Share it with your friends. Give credit points for sharing (using the OSSN user points program) and try to make the news on local newspapers. Attract kids by sharing funny videos on your website.

Contact celebrities & ask them to share it on their social media. You get a really big boost for your website by using the celebrity method marketing. You can easily get affordable pricings from Instagram models, TikTok stars, or YouTubers.

If you can get to 100k visitors, then you may become a millionaire before long!

Once you get good traffic, then you can make a profit from various ways:

  1. Google Adsense (you can easily display ads all over your website in a single click & immediately you start to earn money if you get good traffic)
  2. Your own Ad system (OSSN offers this ready-made ad function just like Facebook)
  3. Paid Access for premium members
  4. Selling stuff or integrating Amazon associate commission program
  5. Premium community services
  6. Selling games, Ebooks, etc.
  7. Once you get good traffic, for example 1000 visitors/day, then your website valuation increases. Sell your entire website. (I did this one – How I Created a Social Network Website & Made A Profit In 26 Days)

If you build your website for a niche community, particularly for Musicians or Photographers or Business, then you can attract many people and generate a significant profit. Once you get enough traffic (atleast 1000 visitors /month) then you could try to apply for Google Adsense. Otherwise, Google may not approve. You can sell items for Musicians or any particular niche.

You can control your social site users here.

social website user manager
social website user manager

You can add many premium features. After you get some accounts then it will look like this screenshot. You can add sponsorship options and generate an income.

social network website example
social network website example

Yup! Share your website with your friends and get traffic.

If you have any doubts, comment below & get a response within 24 hours. If you’ve got any problems while you are installing your social website then you can also get support from Bluehost. They provide you 24X7 live chat support & a ticket system. I suggest the ticket system because you can view it anytime. By contrast, in chat, once you close, everything will be deleted.

All the best for your social network website.

Your favorite tutor, Jack

Visit Bluehost & Create Your Own Social Website
Like Facebook

Visit Bluehost &
Create Your Own Social Website
Like Facebook 

If you are not satisfied with your website or OSSN, then follow the 2nd method.

Another Best Method To Create a Social Networking Website

Important! : You can Uninstall or Delete Your OSSN Website & Install New Software On The Same Bluehost Hosting & Domain In 3 Clicks Without Losing Your Money.

Note: If you already installed OSSN, then you should uninstall OSSN before you install Wowonder. Then you can use the same Bluehost Hosting for your new website. So that you don’t have to purchase a new hosting or upgrade the hosting. It will save your money.

Go to Bluehost Dashboard – Advanced – Softaculous – Installs – Select your website – Remove completely – Click “Go” As shown in the screenshot arrow marks below

delete the installation completely
delete the installation completely

This is another best method. You may feel a bit difficult than the first method, But if you follow the guide below, it will be very easy.

I hope now you already have Bluehost hosting and deleted your OSSN website. (If you still not have Bluehost, then Follow the exact steps as I explained in the first method) .

Step 1 – Get Wowonder 

Step 2 – Go to Bluehost Dashboard -> Advanced tab -> File manager -> Upload & Install Wowonder on Your Bluehost. That’s it!

Watch the video below. Step by step from the beginning to the end how to install Wowonder in Bluehost file manager.

My Final Thoughts:

Since OSSN free version offers all the basic social network features, I recommend Bluehost OSSN if your budget is around $35

There is no Wowonder free version.

However if you want to buy OSSN paid version ($219), then don’t buy it!!. Instead buy Wowonder.($120)  OSSN paid version is not good. Wowonder is the best premium social network package.

Bluehost ($35 ) + Wowonder ($120) = $155.

Bluehost ($35) + Free OSSN = $35

Any method you choose, The first thing is to sign up on Bluehost, Get experience on its dashboard. Eventually you will understand what to do.

203 thoughts on “How To Make A Social Networking Website Like Facebook For Almost FREE! Within 1 Hour [4 Easy Steps]”

  1. This post provides some solid insights into creating a social network! I love the step-by-step approach and the emphasis on user engagement strategies. It’s definitely a challenging project, but with the right tools and planning, it feels achievable. Excited to try some of these tips!

  2. this was excellent! it worked perfectly for me! what an amazing grace! please tell me if I can rebrand the OSSN WITH MY DOMAIN NAME

  3. This article provided some great insights into creating a social network website! I especially appreciated the tips on user engagement and design. It makes me think about how important community features are for keeping users connected. Looking forward to implementing some of these ideas!

    • Wowonder is the highest-rated social networking software. Just ask Bluehost support or Wowonder support to install it for you. I think you are not understanding how to install properly

  4. can you help me with this?
    The following errors were found :

    Could not access your domain. Please make sure your domain is pointing to this server and there is no .htaccess file restricting access to your domain

    • The website will be responsive and perfectly looks like an app when viewed from mobile. However, if you want native apps that you want to appear on the Google play store and iPhone app store, then just buy Wowonder IOS & Android app (Both together cost you only $75) and Rebrand to your own company name. Then submit to Google play store & Apple app store.
      OSSN app is very costly and outdated. OSSN free version website is the best one. That’s why I recommended this tutorial. OSSN paid one are not good.

    • Which part and where? You have to give a direct link to the copied content url, otherwise Google will mark as your website is a spam.
      Also our plagiarism software will easily track the copied content

  5. How secure is this type of a social networking site? Can someone hack it easily and steal or destroy user information? I take it that the data is stored in the US; could this create legal issues if the company is in the EU for example? What about EU GDP Regulations?

    • No, Bluehost is a secure hosting. It will protect you from hackers.
      You just forgot everything. Because both Wowonder & OSSN inbuilt with GDPR Regulations. So there will be no legal issues.

  6. I tried to set this up step by step as you explained. It however, did not work. I keep getting: Could not access your domain. Please make sure your domain is pointing to this server and there is no .htaccess file restricting access to your domain

  7. Thank you. Is it necessary to patent your idea before make it public? How about if some one else claim that i have stolen his thought? And what if another guy steal my idea and advertise it better than what i did And grow it more? Is there any legal issues that i have to manage before creating a new website?

    • People make 1000s of ideas everyday. So Government will not give you patent for your ideas. Website doesn’t come under patent law. It come under copyright law. Inside the website, the programs may come under patent law. But that program should be highly inventive. You have to be hardcore programmer or software engineer.
      You can get a online copyright or use NFTs to secure your expressions.
      So don’t bother about it.

  8. Please can I buy hosting and domain from namecheap website instead of blue hosting to build my social media website , cause I have no credit card to pay on blue hosting —

  9. I have installed OSSN via Bluehost, and all the above mentioned inbuilt features- some of them are not visible and for this reason not customizeable able. How would I be able to customize the main inlogging page, or let people register their businesses with their visible websites, or even make ads enable. I cant even see chat windows. Any help , please. Thank you

    • Can you share your website?
      If you want Ads and all the features, then you have to buy OSSN paid version. But OSSN paid version is costly as well as no better. So I recommend Wowonder .
      Wowonder is cheaper than OSSN & powerful than OSSN.
      However if you want free, Then OSSN free version is the best one that You already installed. .

      • Hi Jack
        Thank you for your answer. Since I have OSSN installed, the change to Wowonder would change the outlook and everything else installed already on my website. Would you be able to help me with extra components development to my OSSN website, which is not available- of course for your fee? Also, would you be able to recommend any company that can help me with extra storage for my website. I’m a bit scared that with so many users the website would simply stop working, so I want to prevent this of course. My website is
        The website has been created to focus helping people globally, with food , shelter , healthcare- every support they would need in life .

  10. Wowonder recommends ultra hosting, hope bluehost will be a great option without having any damage on the site?

    • Bluehost is the leader in web hosting. It offers you a wide variety of hosting. I recommend start with the cheapest plan. (In my experience, the Basic plan worked well). Later you can upgrade to Plus plan or Pro plan. Bluehost Pro plan is ultra fast.

  11. We are an Australian company looking to set up our own social media platform your advice has been very helpful and generous, once we are established we would like to hand you some shares for making this possible. We will be in touch

  12. If I already have a .com site with traffic will I be able to transfer the current .com site and use for the social media site?

      • do I have to disable the current site first? ( will pointing the name take down the current site? ) when installing open source I’m receiving an error message about pointing the domain.

        I was under the impression I can create social media site using my current domain without taking the active site down.

        can you assist me with pointing the domain

  13. OMG Jack you’re my lifesaver! I was just quoted 10M to build a social media website ( I literally choked, and I’m still recovering from all the coughing ) lol. Thank you sooooo much for this very informative piece of information!

  14. Hi Jack,
    Great info here thanks, quick question, once created how do you turn the site into an actual app available on the app stores rather than just a IOS/Android friendly website?

    • You have to buy. Usually, app development cost you 10x higher than a website of any type. And you may need assistance to upload on App stores and get approval from Google & Apple. So I recommend you now just create website and test your business plan. If it worked, then hire someone and go for app.

  15. If you use OSSN, do your themes, menus, etc. in WordPress get updated differently than other types of sites? It seems any updates I make in WordPress are not being updated on my actual website. Any suggestions on getting personalized help from WordPress customer service?

    • It cost you around $400 for both the apps, but you don’t need the app. Because the website will be mobile friendly and responsive. Once you started to get the income, then you can invest in the apps.

  16. Hi Jack,
    Please do we have to do email hosting for the automated email on the site works or it begins to work automatically as soon as we’re done installing OSSN?

    • It begins automatically as soon as you install OSSN! everything is inbuilt. You don’t have to do anything. If you need any help, you get help from us or from OSSN team.

  17. Hi Jack,
    Please do we have to do email hosting for the automated email on the site works or it begins to work automatically as soon we’re done installing OSSN?

    • It begins automatically as soon as you install OSSN! everything is inbuilt. You don’t have to do anything. If you need any help, you get help from us or from OSSN team.

  18. Maybe you can help. I installed the open source social media, but I changed something and now I have som kind of Wordpress site that looks nothing like I started out with. Please help.

        • I ended up deleting and reloading the open source social, but now I lost all my users. I have no idea what I did wrong. I don’t want to make the same mistake, and not sure how to avoid doing it again. 🙁

        • Also had 2 issues. 1- when I put in a background photo, I click reposition, but cannot move photo. 2
          – when I see a notification for a comment and click on it, I get some crazy…. not acceptable error generated by mod_security. Says an appropriate representation of the requested resource could no be found on server. Sorry to ask a bunch of questions, but I am new to Wordpress and the multitude of things that could go wrong, and don’t wanna mess up my site again. Luckily I only had it up for a few days, but I will lose users quickly if I cannot keep up the site properly. Thanks for your help. Much appreciated.

        • Got snowflakes finally tuned off after quite a search to finally be able to get on after my sign-in page went unresponsive, but still have the other problems 🙂

        • Well, I did manage to figure a couple things out. First is to make sure to have a backup. Then I figured out what messed my site up the first time. I ran the file integrity checker and let it fix what it found. Then went and found out that it changed my whole thing to some hello world page. Also figured out that I needed the component to be able to move background picture. Still working on the unacceptable thing tho. Still scratching my head over the snowflake thing too. Your help is much appreciated. Thanks

          • On this page, I posted about OSSN, not about “WordPress – hello world”, Because WordPress is messy and very difficult for beginners.
            If you follow the exact steps on this page, then you never get any issues.

          • I found out what was doing it to me. It was the file integrity scanner on bluehost’s website. Thought it would be a helpful tool, but it somehow reverted me back to a default setup. Not sure why. Thanks again.

  19. Hello, I built my own social
    Media site by following your steps. I can’t figure out how to create the mobile app part. I don’t see where to do this. Can you please tell me how to do this? Support at bluehost seems to not know what I am talking about

    • You can add OSSN extensions only.
      However, if you are a programmer, then you can add or change anything you want because it is open source.

    • No.
      But if you want, we can add a few software. So that the final website will be the combination of both Dolphin & OSSN.
      (Technically you can install and but it will not sign with their functions, But we make any type of website you want from the scratch!)

  20. If i want to make a video chat website like messenger,then i have to spent money?If yes where i have to spent money.Pls help me answering the question.

    • Hi Jessica,
      I can make a video chat website like messenger for you. We are experts in social media website creation. So that I can deliver cost-effective with great quality. We also guide you to get success. If you want, email me to,
      Have a nice day!

  21. Just a quick question, if I go ahead and follow the steps outlined above, which is the best, preferably free, software to install whereby I’m able to 100% customise the look and feel of my new platform/site

    • You can try for free. You can install, delete, change different social applications like Dolphin, OSSN, wordpress-Buddypress etc. On the same domain and hosting withoit paying anything extra. Just follow the guide and try.

    • Yes. But instead of installing OSSN. Install this Colibri Twitter Software
      Everything is same in the beginning. Finish all steps like Go to Bluehost & get a shared hosting plan. Then learn a little bit about the Bluehost Dashboard. Then Buy Colibri Twitter Software Download & install on your Bluehost application section. Yes. That’s it.
      If you need any help while you are creating your twitter like website, then you can take free help or if you need a lot of help, then we charge just $20/hour.
      All the best for your Twitter-like website.

  22. Hi Jack,
    Thank you for your complete assistance. Beacause of you I could launch my social networking website through OSSN. I did it with bluehost. Now, my site is showing its not secure even though SSL is enabled. My users are feeling insecure about it. Please could you help in this matter.

    • Just ask Bluehost support, They are available for 24X7 for free.

      Still, Here is a quick guide for you! I think you have not selected https when you are installing your website. Go to OSSN install – edit – add “s” in front of the http in the installation details.

    • You don’t need to download anything! Everything is installed on the cloud independent of your internet connection!. May I know what you are downloading?

  23. I really love this site what a great information, pls is it possible to customize it myself anyhow I want it without a programming skills. 2,can it be customized to the look and feel of ecommerce site?.thanks

  24. Hey Jack, are we able to customize the look of the social network website? Also, if I wanted an in-app/website currency for the social network, could that be done?

    • Yes. You can customize the color, background etc without any skill. You can add currency several currencies like Dollar, Pound, Euro, Rupees etc. If you are a programmer, then do anything. Because it is completely open-source.

  25. But bro if my website gets 1 million users and first domain is present only for 1lakh users then can I buy a new big domain which can handle all uaers

    • The domain name is just an address for your website. It doesn’t do anything with users.
      Yes. You can upgrade or downgrade plans. You can upgrade up to 10 million user capacity hosting plan within a minute. Please read this post properly. You will get all the information. See Bluehost plans to know number of visitors/month
      If you get millions of visitors capacity hosting, then you can upgrade to dedicated hosting at any time

  26. I do not see softaculous, or Cpanel, help desk was great but they didn’t say they would be able to install open source social netw or etc

  27. Hi Jack,

    I would like to know how can i, following your steps to build a social media type facebook site, implement my own pages i encoded (welcome page, signing up page, content pages etc) while still being able to add chat “messenger like” and others adds-on ?

  28. Hi Jack.
    I was able to set up my social networking site following your guide. A big Thanks to you for that. The Bluehost support team is the best.

    Keep the good work.

  29. Hi!
    Can I use Bluehost to build a new social website?
    Can I imagine something and create it with it or I should better learn programming or apply programmers?
    Can I make startup with it?!
    Please I need reply!
    Thank you for your time!!!

    • Hi Nikita
      You can use Bluehost to build your new social website. Bluehost team is really friendly, you can launch your new startup with it that I can guarantee you. Because I am running several websites on Bluehost.
      If you need any help later, then Bluehost team will help you or you can contact me if you feel I can solve your problem.
      You don’t need to learn any programs to make a social website. there are lots of extensions available for extra features. However, if you don’t get it, then hire a php & Javascript programmer.
      So you don’t need to worry
      All the best for your new startup.

  30. Hi! Can I use Bluehost to create something new? Can I imagine something and create in in real life? Can I make startup with it or I should better find programmers?
    Please I really need a reply! Thank you for your time!

    • Just follow this guide. In step 3, 1st screenshot you see “Open source social network” software. (“Open source social network” is the name of that software)
      Install it and customize it. Very easy. Just do it. If you get a problem, you get help from us or Bluehost or Open Source social network. So don’t worry.

  31. Hi Jack Cox
    Thanks for the information.
    I wanted to make a social media website and I was thinking of using WordPress with the BuddyPress plugin. Then I read your article and discovered that there are softwares dedicated to this purpose.
    My Question:
    Is using this software love ke Dolphin better than WordPress with BuddyPress?

    • Open source social network is easier than buddypress. You get a lot of fully optimized features for a social network those all work and compatible with one another. but in wordpress you need to find the best plugins to match your imaginations. But those will never work well in a sensual manner. I mean, If you use both, then you will slowly understand open source social network is better than buddypress

  32. Wait atleast 1 minute and don’t click back. See Siteground accepted cards and check your card. If you don’t have credit card or international debit card, then Bluehost may not accept your payment.

  33. Hi Jack,according to your post you said domain plan for growbig cost $5.95 and hosting price cost $19.95 but once ï want to start my mission growbig is shoping me that (Regular $19.95) and hosting price jump to (From Régularisation $19.95 to Nos Bill $71.40 but you earlier said if ï follow your procedure i Will about $60 why am i now seeing total $89? What else can you say about it?

  34. hi Jack your growbig plan on your post is $5.5 when i open it to start it increases to $71.40 you said i can start with $60 but what i am seeing in is telling me that total is $87.35 what can you say about that?

  35. hello
    Mr Jack Cox
    Thanks alot for your information.
    Can a simple phone be used to create a strong social network websit?

    Thanks God bless you.

  36. Hello Admin! can i make money from people through advertisement placement with any of this program and how will the money from the ad get into my account.

    • Once you created your social website using the above guide, then share your website on other social media, promote & get some visitors. Then just apply google Adsense. Once they approve, you will get infinite ads continuously & generate passive income while sitting on your home. But if you don’t get enough visitors, then you may not get enough earnings.

    • Great …so you told me you created web usaphotographers….so will they find their self there and how will get the intreset

      • No, I never told you to create a web usaphotographers!! I gave you an example! You can name it anything and share it with your friends.
        All the best for your new social network website!

    • LearnDash – Monetize Your Community with online courses.
      Advanced Ads – Targeted ads based on user profiles, group membership, roles and more.
      WPAdverts – Monetize your community with classified ads.
      Paid Memberships Pro – Paid memberships for exclusive community experience.
      WooCommerce – Helps you create a community behind your brand and get social proof.

  37. and i also want to link the phone app to the website so that those online on app will be seen on the website and those online on the website will be seen on the app
    exaactly like facebook please i need urgent answer

  38. Is it possible to turn the site into a wholesale market where people can advertise what they are selling and in order for them to be a marketer they have to pay a fee.. Similar concept as alibaba..


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