Are you thinking to start your own online or offline coaching classes( or any kind of guiding on any topics including crazy ideas..!) If you want to make some extra money seriously through your coaching, then you should read these checklists. So that, you will get more success in your business.
How to start your own online classes? Or consultancy services without any skill and no investment.
Do you want a quick profit? But you have no skill? Don’t worry..!
This idea is the best way to make money online for you.
I will take an example.
One of my friends is good at getting girls and he makes girls do things what he wants exactly. He started his own online classes – how to get your crush quickly.
Skilled people can also do this job, but their skill will not helpful for this type of business, however, communication skill will help quietly, if and only if, you want to start offline classes or traditional classes or face to face classes and online interactions, but it is not necessary…!
Okay.. Let’s take a look at this business idea
Highlights to start your own “get your crush” online classes for bad boys.
- Everyone in his or her life at least one time gets this crush or love breakup situation. In college, it is happening daily. Not only just in college, but also this will happen frequently in unmarried as well as married employees. It will happen more in big tech companies because their employees are more stylish. So the probability of getting crushed to one another is also more. This is your business starting point, this is the basics of your business.
- Some people can’t get girls. Because they don’t know how to approach. but they really wanted to get their crush. They require some guidance. This is your business aim or tutorial goal.
- Some of them will search on the internet like “how to get my girl or love or crush or impressing women etc. These people are your customers..!
“Starting your own get your crush classes for bad boys” is a nice niche idea to start your first business.
Because it is not a risky business. Now Keep Calm and read slowly. (I took this is an example, you can apply this to any coaching classes)
How & Where To Start Your Own Course?
First, define your business. Do you want to start your consultancy services online? Or offline? Or both?
Analyze business potential in your area.
When to start an online class
- You fear to start offline
- Your communication skill is not good
- You don’t want to talk directly to people
- You have no money to open an office
- In your area no colleges and big companies.
When to start offline classes?
- Your hometown has a lot of colleges and companies
- You are able to speak fluently with unknown people
- You are able to open an office
- Your communication skill is good
- You are able to do things in real time. (Otherwise, people may lose interest)
Then no need to further analysis of your business. First, start offline consultancy services. Becuase offline classes get more trust than the online. But you need to start online also. Why? (Later, I LL tell you )
Your business idea is “get your crush classes or consultancy services for bad boys.” This is not for divorced couples. Because for divorced consultancy service needs a lot of knowledge and it is more likely they will not remarry.
I already told in highlights, your goal is just to guide and motivate people, those who can’t get girls or every time getting the breakup from his lover.
This business idea is very new and niche topic. So it is easy to make a branding your business. You can differentiate yourself from the entire world.
Okay, now you understand the full concept of this business. Let’s start the discussion of the real-time business, advantages, and problems.
Traditional(offline) refreshment classes
If you decide to start offline classes,
- You need to open an office.
- Your office place must be near to big companies or colleges.
- Your company needs to get good reviews on google local business.
- You need to make conversation with your clients easy.
It is very difficult and also the main part of the business. It is not an online business. You need to attract in every aspect. Learn how to attract people and also study a little bit about human psychology. This depends on your talent. Here I will discuss only the business part and I don’t want to talk more about this part.
Offline classes advantage
- If you know more peoples, you can easy to spread your business fast
- Offline classes can get more trust than online classes
- You don’t need to have any technical knowledge.
- Most of the people don’t want to go to traditional (offline) classes because they may get shamed or they may get fear or guilty to show their faces in the class or they don’t want to socially recognize as they are psychologically very weak.
- Most of the people don’t have a time or your time may not suit everyone, so you can’t get huge success or you may fail in this business.
- Offline business is always limited. You can open multiple branches and grow your business. But, This takes time.
- If you are in Africa or Asian countries,(except Japan, China, India & Singapur like developed
Countries) there, poor people are more compared to the other regions. So traditional classes will not give you a good profit. Because, in the offline class, you can get only local people.
Online is a wonderful place to start any business. If you decide to start an online business, follow the steps below.
Online class tour
Before starting your online class by following your ideas, just search some online motivation classes. Observe it. So that you will get a clear picture. Search niche online courses. See… How so many dummies making millions by uploading video tutorials.
Online Business Setup
Don’t get worried about your website creation. Don’t sketch your website. You may don’t know about online marketing strategies, psychological effects, SMO etc. In India, the web design price is very cheap. Make a perfect plan and a goal. Define your business. I suggest BoomLex web design company for making your website. If you want to build yourself,
Read how to make a website? Easiest Guide. 2018 Awarded tutorial
If you are looking for site builders, then see the best website builders of 2018
Online business setup means, to represent or publish your business online. You can easily set up your business in online. Just follow given strategies.
Here’re two ways, according to your skill
- If you know, how to make a professional website. ( Minimum investment is around $80)
- If you don’t know about Website development. (Minimum investment is around $300)
When you know how to make a professional website, you can start your business with almost no money.
If you don’t know, then find a cheap Indian web design company. Why Indian? Because in online services, the standard price is not there. Some American or UK Companies charges $1000 dollars for the website creation. But its service is no more advanced than Indian companies. (Because, Indian like countries, labor charge is 50 times less, but there is no difference in the quality. I prefer India, Because there world’s best engineers are working & IT industry matured, they can speak English etc.)
Make a website. pick a brandable domain name. Start uploading your content in a systematic way.
After creating your website, you need to start a content marketing strategy.
Content creation
Writing content is the important task that you must finish neatly. If you want to get higher rank on your website search result, then you must write a lot of content or articles or blogs.
Write some articles about your company. For example
- Your company goal, description etc.
- Why have you started this company?
- What services will you give?
- How will it impact on society?
- What are the achievements you made?
upload to your website.
Make voice notes.
About anything. Add some famous speech related to your topic. Making audio is just show your creativity of using technology. People prefer to listen than reading. When people are traveling or walking, they just listen to songs and nowadays text reader is becoming famous. Text reader will read articles. Even you are doing your daily work or making exercise, you can listen. So people can save time. Making podcast will increase customer conversion rate.
Make videos
Make impressive videos. create a YouTube channel. Upload to YouTube & insert on your website. So you can save a lot of money by reducing your web hosting space. (Because you uploaded on YouTube for free) Also uploading on YouTube increases more traffic than uploading directly to your own website
Getting Students To your Online Coaching Class
Write guest blog & mention your class.
In the early stage, you can advertise with a small money on Google AdWord with exact keywords like “How to get girl” related search queries.
Share in social media.
- Join college related groups in social media. For example “Rocking Boys”, “New York backbenchers” etc. In this type of group members are only college students. Just share your website in these groups. You will definitely get a few people.
- Join love related groups. For example “True lovers” “Boys V/S Girls” etc.
- Comment related articles with your website link.
But these are all basic optimizations. Yup, these are enough to make a profit. If you have no confidence in your business at the beginning, then you can take help at
If you want to get more profit, you need to make effective SEO for your business website. SEO means not just keyword choice, it has a vast concept. It needs deep knowledge and skilled people.
(Some keyword tricks are also not so effective after Google’s Hummingbird SEO update.)
So it is better to contact web designing companies.
They will give you a complete solution for you. I recommend BoomLex. You no need to prepare for this. From making the website to Search Engine Optimization, Online Marketing, And everything, I mean you will get an A-Z solution with free training. In just 300-500 dollars, you can get a business deal with everything including e-commerce. In India IT work is very cheap. That’s why the World’s half of the outsource projects are going to India alone…!!
Once your website got good SEO and started to appear on Google top result, then your online business will skyrocket & get ready to become a millionaire.
Online classes advantages
1. In online you can make more innovative.
2. Very little investment compared to other businesses.
3. Your work will minimize.
4. You will get a large number of audience from worldwide.
Independent of your work area, region, work time and country.
5. You can start a weekly webinar like online activities.
6. You can open third-party consultancy service platform on your website or if you are good knowledge in the software industry, make it open source for all types of online classes. So you can get the huge customers, even a small promotion brings you big profit as well as get popularity within very less time.
Both(Online and Offline classes)
It is better to start online classes. I’ve mainly two reasons.
People think, if offline office there, then that should be more trusted than without an office.
Usually, offline students give you more positive reviews, because they become your friends too.
So the chances of your business success will increase.
Once you get good reviews, then start online. In online so many people got millions before a night. Who knows, where are your hidden talents? According to Oxford university human behavioural analysis, the expression of the real talent of people is more in online than offline.
If you choose offline classes, it is better to start both offline and online. If you interested in offline, you can start another branch and you can expand all over the country, then all over the world…!! Ha-ha.
Umm… You can start your online consultancy separately the for different region within a single domain name.
You can start your online business worldwide within a day..!! That’s why I’m always calling the Internet is the world of all possibilities.
Do you know why I said that open offline services also?, because online business takes some times. It may month or several months..!
You will not get visitors after launching the website. You need to make a full setup for your website. Even you give all work to a web designing company, Umm.. Yeah.. They will make fast. But it also takes some time. Search Engine Optimisation takes at least a month. All online strategies are working after one month only. So you may get feel very bad about your business at the beginning.
No one can make SEO within a day because Google and all search engine algorithms working like that. But once you a get grip of your online business, then it is hard to stop the flow of free cash..!
BUT ONE IS CLEAR, ONLINE CLASSES GIVE YOU MORE PROFIT THAN THE OFFLINE. If you can’t start offline, then don’t burn your money, don’t think too much about it. Start an online course. If it fails, don’t worry. Nobody knows you failed. Because it is online..!!
Try one more Definitely you will get success, if you are a true coacher.
Okay…. Now

Editor At WebsiteBuilderly.